e-ISSN: 2148-0842
Spinal ve Periferik Sinir Cerrahisi Bülteni
Spinal ve Periferik Sinir Cerrahisi Bülteni

Spinal ve Periferik Sinir Cerrahisi Bülteni

2021, Sayı 91, No, 2     (Sayfalar: 050-058)


Dr. Can KIVRAK 1-2 ,Dr. Ahmet KARAGÖZ 1-2 ,Dr. Yahya GÜVENÇ 1-2

1 Marmara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Beyin ve Sinir Cerrahisi AD
2 Marmara Üniversitesi Nörolojik Bilimler Enstitüsü

Görüntüleme: 872
İndirme : 439

Spinal deformity is considered as a disorder that occurs in the alignment and angulation of vertebrae in the spine. This disorder affects the balance of the body in the coronal and sagittal planes and causes some changes on the carrier skeletal system such as the shoulder and hip girdle, which contribute to the balance, especially the spinal and paraspinal structures. These changes cause asymmetric spinal degeneration in the mature bone tissue and that continues the cycle. Adult spinal deformity is a progressive pathology that occurs in advanced ages. Since this pathology causes pain, neurological deficits, and dysfunctions such as gait disorders, it causes a decrease in the quality of life. Their treatments are decided according to the level of deformity, symptoms related to deformity, neurological examination and general condition of the patient. While analgesic, anti-inflammatory treatments, injection treatments can be used for symptom control, corset and various physical therapy modalities can be used as supportive therapy High level symptomatic deformities, surgical treatments have proven effective in correcting deformities, reducing symptoms and improving physical function. In surgical planning, all knowledge about spinopelvic measurements, sagittal and coronal balance, classifications, algorithms and osteotomy techniques should be evaluated before surgery and the cases should be operated in the light of this information. Surgical procedures are associated with significant complications.

Anahtar Kelimeler : Surgery, Adult, Planning, Spinal deformity