e-ISSN: 2148-0842
Spinal ve Periferik Sinir Cerrahisi Bülteni
Spinal ve Periferik Sinir Cerrahisi Bülteni

Spinal ve Periferik Sinir Cerrahisi Bülteni

2021, Sayı 90, No, 1     (Sayfalar: 012-017)


Dr. Çağhan TÖNGE 1 ,Dr. Hüseyin Hayri KERTMEN 1

1 Sağlık Bilimleri Üniversitesi Gülhane Tıp Fakültesi Dışkapı Yıldırım Beyazıt Sağlık Uygulama ve Araştırma Hastanesi Beyin Cerrahisi Kliniği

Görüntüleme: 795
İndirme : 289

Aneurysmal bone cyst is a rare, benign tumour of the skeleton system. These lesions, sighted with osteolysis generally seen at tibia and femur, may cause pain, deformity, neurologic symptoms and pathologic fractures by spinal column involvement predominantly on the first and second decades of life. Diagnosis could be radiographically done, further, CT and MRI techniques are useful to have an idea about lesion`s nature. Radiologically, bone expansion, lytic lesions, liquidfilled lacunaes due to hematoma could be observed. In differential diagnosis of aneurysmal bone cysts, giant cell bone tumours, chondroblastoma, telangiectatic osteosarcoma could be considered. These cysts that might have similar findings with inflammatory processes on clinical presentation, could be treated by several ways. Through management besides following up, open surgery, en-bloc resection, intralesional excision, intralesional injection and selective embolization are present. Other than this, procedures like cryotherapy and sclerotherapy do exist. Through approaching aneurysmal bone cysts with high rate of recurrence despite treatment, different treatment modalities might be combined. Considering the area of aneurysmal bone cyst involvement, fixation/instrumentation could be done if needed.

Anahtar Kelimeler : Aneurysmal bone cyst, Vertebral involvement, Expansile lesions of bone