The section including T10-L2 vertebra is considered as thoracolumbar junction and is one of the most removable area. It is really important to evaluate stability and instability on this section because of it`s mechanic and functional importance. For treatment; if the general view is stabile, conservative treatment is used for fractures which do not cause neurologic deficit, kyphoses or posture disorder. However; if the general view is instabile, surgical theraphy is used for fractures that cause neurologic deficit or posture disorders. In conservative treatment, thoracolumbar binder or hyperextantion binder is recommended with effective pain management. In surgical therapy ,thanks to the development of instrumentation systems in recent years, stabilization surgery is preferred with the most posterior view. Moreover ; anterior and anterior-posterior approaches can be used on suitable patients. Conservative treatment cannot be a choosable option because of many reasons; such as increasing the patients returning time to work, persistent deformity risk, failure in the pain management, orthosis incoordination and the development both on the instrumentation system, kyphoplasty and vertebroplasty methods. Besides that, surgical experiment, early or late surgical complications, golden standard treatment approaches related to patients physiology and dynamic are not standardized.