e-ISSN: 2148-0842
Spinal ve Periferik Sinir Cerrahisi Bülteni
Spinal ve Periferik Sinir Cerrahisi Bülteni

Spinal ve Periferik Sinir Cerrahisi Bülteni

2024, Sayı 102, No, 1     (Sayfalar: 060-063)

Pediatric Upper Cervical Spine Trauma and Atlantoaxial Subluxation

Kadir Oktay 1

1 Çukurova Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Beyin ve Sinir Cerrahisi Anabilim Dalı, Adana, Türkiye

Görüntüleme: 46
İndirme : 8

Spinal injuries are less common in pediatric patients than in adults. Due to pediatric spine anatomy, the craniovertebral junction is injured more frequently than other regions. Among the injuries in this region, atlantoaxial rotatory subluxations are more frequently observed in pediatric patients. Grisel syndrome should be kept in mind in non-traumatic pediatric cases. Cock- Robin head position is a typical examination finding in pediatric traumatic or non-traumatic atlantoaxial rotatory subluxations. A gradual treatment algorithm is applied to cases who are classified according to the Fielding-Hawkins classification, including conservative methods, traction application, and surgical reduction in advanced cases.

Anahtar Kelimeler : Pediatric upper cervical trauma, Atlantoaxial rotatory subluxation, Grisel syndrome