Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy is the most common cause of non-traumatic spinal cord dysfunction. It is more common in the elderly population. Patients with DSM clinically present with upper limb dysfunction (clumsiness, lethargy, paresthesia, etc.), lower limb symptoms (imbalance, fatigue, lethargy, etc.) and bladder dysfunction (sudden urinary incontinence). The gold standard for the diagnosis of DSM is Magnetic Resonance Imaging. The two most commonly used measurement methods for DSM are the mJOA (modified Japanese Orthopedic Association) scale and Nurick Grading. Both measure neurological signs and symptoms, gait, lower limb function, hand function and bladder control. Surgical treatment for DSM disease is the first-line treatment option for patients with progressively worsening balance and skill progression. The main goal of surgical approaches, which can be applied as anterior, posterior and combined approaches, should be to open the spinal cord, correct the cervical physiological lordosis and provide stability.